The use of SDS-Blocks constitutes an environmentally safe method of wastewater treatment.

The ’self-dosing sedimentation blocks‘ bind finest particles of garnet sand and heavy metals from the wastewater of waterjet cutting systems.

SDS-Blocks provide a passive in-situ treatment, are self-dosing and self-limiting and reduce TSS/NTUs, garnet sand and heavy metals.

Simulated flocculation test of wastewater from a waterjet system, with (right) and without SDS-material added

How to use SDS-Blocks:

Every week, take a product the size of a bar of soap and place it in a straight line about 50 cm from the outlet of the water basin of the cutting machine. Attach it to a sword or similar in the cutting basin with the two strings. The product must be completely submerged in water.

On the way to the Big Pack container, the active ingredients of the product bind almost all suspended solids. For the metallic substances such as iron, copper, chromium, nickel and cobalt there is no escape into the environment. The water at the exit of the Big Pack container is clear and has a very low content of suspended solids.

However, the product loses its functionality in combination with other chemicals!

Technical Details:

  • 300 – 500 m³ water treated per block
  • Optimal flow velocity: 20 – 100 cm/sec
  • Temperature range: 2° – 99° C
  • pH-range: 3 – 12
  • Solids content: 0,1 – 2 %

The handling of SDS-Blocks is very simple and the drainage water can easily be reused!